Saturday, June 28, 2008

Photo Hunt #2

I had fun playing around this week's theme of "bright". So take a peak at what I chose to submit for this weeks challenge. It sure does get your mind thinking. Below I chose a variety of bright colored makers.

I also chose to make a play on words here:

Last but not least, I chose my daughter's beautiful smile:

Thanks for looking.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Devotional Thought

In the previous post, I mentioned a book I just started reading. I found an interesting Bible verse mentioned, Hebrews 10:31 - "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" quoted from pg 18 in Arthur's Just book. That verse had never stuck out in my mind before but I see that as fearful but also comforting at the same time. Yes, we should be fearful of the true God, the one who holds the power to lift up or destroy, who allows us to keep breathing day after day but I also find comfort there. Comfort in knowing that the same God can calm the "storms" that are thrown at us, who can hold us in the palm of his hand and carry us on his shoulders- the gentle Shepherd of our souls.

Heaven on Earth - a Good Read!

I happen to stumble upon a Lutheran blog site and found this book today. I asked my pastoral husband if he owned it and sure enough he did. I really had no doubts about that one. I typically pick up a book based on the title, I don't know why I do this but if the title intrigues me then often I will glance through the book or even read it. This title did just that. It peaked my curiosity.

The author, Arthur A. Just Jr., has done well to keep the book easy to read and understand for those who sit in the pew and did not attend "seminary" classes. I'm only into the first 18 pages but I feel this book is worth the reading. In the introduction, he hit the nail on the head - living in a world that has forgotten the story - the story of redemption. "HIS-tory" - God's story as revealed to us through his Son, Jesus Christ.

Another thing I appreciate about this book is how it ties you back to the Old Testament. There is so much there in the Jewish culture that helps us understand worshiping God. I happen to be one who loves the symbolism found in the Old Testament, the foreshadowing, the "types" that point us to Christ.

This is so far a good read!

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Earth Breaks Forth with Praise

I've been out walking and admiring the things of beauty around us. The earth is just blooming, shouting new birth - winter is over. This is a wonderful time of year to get outside, watch things bloom and grow, plant our vegetable garden and sit in awe of our creator. Most of these photos were from a little flower garden we have in our side yard at the parsonage. I couldn't help but be reminded of some of our great hymns that help us sing of God's praise over his creation. For instance, Earth and All Stars, LSB (817) further hymn study would be LSB 803, 790, 812, and 811 are just a few.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ordinary or Extraordinary !

I use to complain about my husband influencing my kids in the areas of books, music, movies and television shows. You see, my DH is a huge fan of science fiction. And naturally, he wants to spend time with his children and they with him. So even at very young ages he got them hooked on Star Trek, then Stargate, Dr. Who, etc... Now several years later, I see that my children can think imaginatively, think for themselves, and form opinions about all kinds of topics, in all different forms. Just recently we were spending an afternoon with homeschooling friends and found out they also are huge science fiction fans, also thanks to their dad. So I'm learning that some love science fiction but won't admit to it, while others will step out and be bold enough to say what they enjoy. Their interests in science fiction, mysteries, British movies and different forms of music is allowing them to have a well rounded education.

My children are such a blessing in my life. They are not ordinary, they are EXTRAORDINARY gifts from God, becoming the EXTRAORDINARY people God intends for them to be-they are UNIQUE.

Saturday Photo Hunt- Theme - Water

I stumbled upon this photo scavenger hunt on someone else's blog. I love photography and I thought it would be fun to play. Each week we are given a different word, then you need to post a photo on your blog about the theme plus post a link on the originator's blog. This is my first time playing.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Summer Walking Challenge

While skimming around on different blog sites, I noticed several bloggers who also struggle with weight issues and the time to exercise. Most were busy homeschooling mom's so there is often not enough time for us to do what is needed to take care of our own health which would result in us being able to better care for our families. I decided to start my own walking challenge, which by the way, I HATE to walk. But maybe this is the incentive I need to get moving and losing weight or inches. I plan to walk from today to August 31, 2008.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Art of Drawing

Charlotte Mason was a huge fan of drawing, specifically drawing from nature. At the time of these drawings we were living in Wisconsin which tends to get very cold during the fall and winter. I adapted her concepts and had the children draw pictures from field guides and animal books. There is one photo that doesn't pertain to those topics because my son Micah wanted to be included and has done very little nature drawing. He traces and colors in his pictures for now which isn't too bad for a 5 year old boy.

We didn't seem to do as much natural journaling as I remembered. The kids took off on their own with drawing together and creating personal notebooks full of their hard work. I hope this coming school year (2008-09) that we can expand on our art with more drawing, pen and ink, and painting.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Charlotte Mason Picture Study

When I first started reading about Charlotte Mason and her ideas on education I was so encouraged. With a large family it is often hard to implement art and music. The CM method has allowed us to study both. I'm going to write just a little bit on Charlotte's philosophy on picture study. Now I am no expert on her style of teaching but the one thing I cherish is her ease of studying art with young children. I started when my kids were about 5-7 years old. We would take an artist, read a child's biography and then find books with paintings by that artist. First we would look at the picture and discuss the colors, what we liked or didn't like, the shadows, the scenery, things like that. Then we would turn the picture over and take turns remembering the details of the painting. It was always so interesting to see who remembered what. We have implemented this style of learning off in on through our years of studying art. It is a wonderful, relaxing way to introduce your children to the finer things in life.


I recently had the opportunity to go with my husband and visit a member's daughter who was diagnosed with cancer. I don't usually make hospital visits with my hubby but this time I felt compelled to go. Upon arriving I was surprised to find a room full of people, almost a party. They were all in good spirits and hopeful that their daughter would survive. I didn't feel it made much difference for me to go on this hospital visit but I am told that sometimes just being there is what is needed. The whole experience from the first phone call announcing this family's crisis to the continuing of chemo treatments give us new perspective on our lives here on this earth. I can't begin to imagine what this family is going through, what the mom is going through. My heart breaks for them. We have many things that we complain about here in rural Wisconsin. My own heart longs to be in a different place. But for now God is using us in this family's lives and in the lives of others in our church. Although I am not always happy about my husband's calling to be a pastor it is an important work. Life has a way of putting things into perspective for us, letting us see a glimpse of how fragile life can be. Even though I wish for us to be in "suburbia", our frustrations are minor compared to life threatening illnesses. I can be thankful that my children are healthy and that God is in the midst of it all.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I took these photos at the TL school playground. I wanted some updated photos of the kids plus I wanted to learn how to use photo bucket.

Monday, June 9, 2008


I'm not much of a gardener - I hate the weeds but the love the result of fresh veggies and beautiful flowers. Yesterday we finished planting our vegetable garden. Today I did some weeding on my flowers - they really need to be overhauled from last year. Micah helped me with our new dandelion tool. He thought that was great to help poke the weed out from the ground.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

For Love of the Game!

My 10year old Natania broke her big toe a few days ago, it swelled up, and has a nasty bruise but she insisted on going to her last soccer game. She just loves to play SOCCER! She told me she would go and only play a little bit or cheer her team on. Well there is no keeping her down. She played her heart out, all 4 quarters. She just limped around and tried to remember to kick with the opposite foot, but that didn't last for long. I cringed everytime players came near her, for fear they would step on her sore foot. This was actually one of her best games. Unfortunately, I forgot the camera and missed some of the best photo op's this season. She was willing to risk more injury to her foot for love of the game - SOCCER!!! Now if she could just put that determination into her school work.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Soccer Mom

Well . . . it's official, I'm a soccer mom. I have two girls Arianna and Natania who just love the sport. We've been playing through AYSO soccer league. I love watching them use their God given abilities out there on the field. It's been crazy driving two of them around with practices and games, sometimes at the same time. I can't imagine next year when my son Micah might want play. Talk about the running around.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

End of School

We are almost at the end of another homeschool year. We are earger for summer break!!! I hope to use this blog more next year to post about our school experiences, our curriculumn choices and hopefully some pictures.